Mowgli the Dachshund

Mowgli lives in Oxford, England with his parents, brothers, and sister. He is miniature sized and has luscious, reddy-brown hair . His favourite pastimes include sleeping in his various dog beds; scratching himself; and snuggling. He excels at all of the above. While Mowgli has not yet turned his snout up at anything even vaguely edible, he does have exquisite taste. In particular, he enjoys smoked salmon and yoghurt (not that he's given much). He's never tried paté, though he would probably enjoy that too.

Dachshunds are sometimes mistaken as unintelligent, whereas they are in fact just very stubborn. Mowgli is no exception. He absolutely will not stop pestering you for some of your lunch; he refuses to begin a walk from home (he has to be driven somewhere to start a walk); and when he decides the walk is over, you best believe you won't be going any further. Mowgli has a younger brother named Yogi (not related by blood) who is a cream miniature long haired dachshund. Yogi is very energetic and athletic, but perhaps more temperamental too. Yogi keeps Mowgli young and they love to play and chase each other. Mowgli is incredibly patient with Yogi at all times except when Yogi comes near his food.


This is a photo I took of Mowgli in the snow at the University Parks.

This photo was taken by my Dad. Mowgli likes to stay politically engaged so is a regular participant in the Twitter hashtag #dogsatpollingstations that trends during UK General Elections. Click on the image to check it out!

Click to see Mowlgi's Instagram!

Mowgli has 5 top walking spots:

These are wonderful places to walk. They are all beautiful open spaces, with other dogs, and crows to chase.

Click here to see a list of beautiful walks in and around Oxford.

This photo of Port Meadow is from

This royalty-free music was taken from

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